E-Book 2nd Congress

  • Gene therapy in cancer
  • Javad Kolaji,1,* sahar memarzade,2

  • Introduction: Gene therapy is a medical approach, it is a method of correcting defective and disease-carrying genes, this treatment method is very new and it allows to treat a disorder by changing the genetic structure instead of using medicine or surgery. And for the treatment of a wide range of diseases other than rare hereditary and monogenic disorders, it has attracted a lot of attention. For this purpose, in this article, an overview of the process of gene therapy in cancer, as well as several examples of gene therapy in ovarian cancer. And we pay prostate and esophagus.
  • Methods: Before gene therapy becomes popular as an acceptable method for treating diseases, some intracellular and extracellular barriers need to be overcome.
  • Results: In this study, independent variable: gene therapy Dependent variable: Cancer The main goal: the attention of many researchers to the method of gene therapy in all types of cancer
  • Conclusion: Today, a wide range of carriers have been developed for gene transfer. Several safe viral and non-viral vectors have been developed and used to successfully treat some hereditary, immunodeficiency, eye, and cancer diseases. It seems that gene therapy is the final solution of the current century for the treatment of human diseases.
  • Keywords: gene therapy, cancer, viral and non-viral vector