برنامه کنگره

Medical Genetics Panel

  8:00-8:15 | The message of the scientific secretary of the Congress

 ِDr. Sarang Younesi (Scientific Secretary of the Congress) |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 DCLS from Vanouver, Canada
 Email: ِSarangYounesi(ScientificSecretaryoftheCongress) [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  8:15-8:40 | Welcome Message of the Chairman of Medical Genetic Panel

 Dr. Gholamreza Rafiei |  Chairman
 Position of Speaker
 Tehran University of Medical Sciences | TUMS · Department of Medical Genetics PhD
 Email: GholamrezaRafiei [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  8:40-9:10 | Application of Precision Medicine in Hereditary Cancer

 Dr. Niusha Samadaeian |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Human/Medical Genetics
 Email: NiushaSamadaeian [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  9:10-9:50 | Precision Medicine in Breast Cancer

 Dr. Reza Shirkoohi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Professor of Medical Genetics · Cancer Research Center · Cancer Institute · Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS)
 Email: RezaShirkoohi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  9:50-10:20 | Impact of Next Generation Sequencing in Precision Oncology

 Dr. Gholamreza Rafiei |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Email: GholamrezaRafiei [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  10:20-10:40 | Precision Oncology in Pediatric Cancer

 ِDr. Golnaz Ensieh Kazemi Sefat |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 PhD in Molecular Medicine Iran university of Medical Sciences
 Email: ِGolnazEnsiehKazemiSefat [at] ldcongress [dot] com

Microbiology Panel

  10:40-11:00 | Welcome Message of the Chairman of Microbiology Panel

 Dr. Fariba Fayaz |  Chairman
 Position of Speaker
 MSc, DCLS Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Nilou Medical Laboratory.
 Email: FaribaFayaz [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  11:00-11:20 | Neurological presentation of tuberculosis.

 Dr. Matthew Chedrawe |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 MD, Neurology resident, Dalhousie University Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
 Email: MatthewChedrawe [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  11:20-11:40 | Epidemiology, clinical presentation, and laboratory diagnosis of native valve infective endocarditis

 Dr. Parnian Hosseini |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 MD, Anesthesialogy resident, Dalhousie University, Department of Anesthesia, Pain Management and Perioperative Medicine, Halifax, Novo Scotia, Canada
 Email: ParnianHosseini [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  11:40-12:00 | Laboratory Diagnosis and Prevention of Toxic Shock Syndrom

 Dr. Seyedeh Masoumeh Abrishamchian Langroudi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 MSc., PhD, Pathobiology Laboratory Centre
 Email: SeyedehMasoumehAbrishamchianLangroudi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  13:00-13:20 | Toxic Shock Syndrom, from presentation to diagnosis

 Dr. Fatemeh Khounsarian |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 BSc, MD,MHSC, UBC Faculty of Public Health, UBC Faculty of Medicine,BC,Vancouver, Canada
 Email: FatemehKhounsarian [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  13:20-13:40 | Porphyromonas gingivalis: An overview of periodontitis pathogen and Alzheimer’s disease

 Dr. Asseman Fayaz |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 DDS,MRACDS (GDP), The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Dental School, Melbourne, Australia
 Email: AssemanFayaz [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  13:40-14:20 | Emerge and reemerge of bacterial infections in recent era of global changes.

 Dr. Fariba Fayaz |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 MSc, DCLS Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Nilou Medical Laboratory
 Email: FaribaFayaz [at] ldcongress [dot] com

Screening Panel

  14:50-15:10 | Welcome Message of the Chairman of Screening Panel

 Dr. Sarang Younesi |  Chairman
 Position of Speaker
 DCLS from Vanouver, Canada
 Email: SarangYounesi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  15:10-15:30 | Expanded carrier screening: What conditions should we screen for?

 Dr. Sarang Younesi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 DCLS from Vanouver, Canada
 Email: SarangYounesi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  15:30-15:50 | Carrier Screening for Fragile X Syndrome, the most common inherited form of intellectual disability and autism

 Dr. Niusha Samadaeian |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 PhD (Medical Geneticist), from Tehran, Iran
 Email: NiushaSamadaeian [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  15:50-16:10 | Carrier Screening for Hemoglobinopathies (Alpha thalassemia and Hb beta chain-related hemoglobinopathy

 Dr. Azam Kazemi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 PhD in Clinical Hematology, from Tehran, Iran.
 Email: AzamKazemi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

Parasitology Panel

  8:00-8:10 | Welcome Message of the Chairman of Parasitology Panel

 Prof. Mohammad Taghi Ahady |  Chairman
 Position of Speaker
 University Professor, Department of Biology, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
 Email: Prof.MohammadTaghiAhady [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  8:10-8:30 | Neglected Protozoal infections of Bowel

 Prof. Abdolmajid Fata |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 University Professor, Department of Parasitology & Mycology, Emam Reza Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
 Email: Prof.AbdolmajidFata [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  8:30-8:50 | The challenge of clinical and laboratory diagnosis of parasitic infections causing hypereosinophilia in endemic areas of human fascioliasis in Guilan province, northern Iran

 Prof. Keyhan Ashrafi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 University Professor, Department of Parasitology, Mycology and Entomology, School of Medicine, Guilan University of Medical Sciences, Rasht, Iran
 Email: Prof.KeyhanAshrafi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  8:50-9:10 | Acanthamoeba Infection, Its Outcomes and diagnostic techniques in Iran

 Prof. Mohammad Taghi Ahady |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 University Professor, Department of Biology, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
 Email: Prof.MohammadTaghiAhady [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  09:10-09:30 | Epidemiology of Parasitic Contamination of Fruits, Vegetables, and Water

 Dr. Marjan Assefi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Researcher and University Professor, Marie Curie Science Research Center, Biology Department, USA
 Email: MarjanAssefi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  09:30-09:50 | Naegleriasis in Developing Countries: Diagnostic Challenges, Underreporting, and the Need for Improved Epidemiological Surveillance

 Dr. Bibi Razieh Hosseini Farash |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Assistant professor, Department of Parasitology and Mycology, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
 Email: BibiRaziehHosseiniFarash [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  09:50-10:10 | Traditional and modern laboratory methods for identification of Leishmania as an important zoonotic parasitic infection

 Dr. Nastaran Sadat Sadrshirazi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Researcher, AMI Veterinary Lab of Molecular Parasitology Science, Babolsar, Iran
 Email: NastaranSadatSadrshirazi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  10:10-10:30 | Relation of Urogenital Schistosomiasis and Bladder Cancer

 Dr. Zainab Siddiqui |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Assistant Professor, Center for Disease Mapping and Therapeutic Research, Incharge of Research Metabolic Unit, Era University, India
 Email: ZainabSiddiqui [at] ldcongress [dot] com

Quality Assurance Panel

  11:00-11:10 | Welcome message of the Chairman of Quality Assurance Panel

 Dr. Fariba Fayaz |  Chairman
 Position of Speaker
 MSc, DCLS Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Nilou Medical Laboratory
 Email: FaribaFayaz [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  11:10-11:30 | Behind the Curtain of Using Language

 Dr. Hamid Marashi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics, Islamic Azad University ,Central Tehran
 Email: HamidMarashi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  11:30-11:50 | Managing Psychological Distress in Medical Lab Environment

 Dr. Kassra Hajibarati |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Pharm D. Production Manager , Darian Darou Pharmaceutical Company
 Email: KassraHajibarati [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  11:50-12:10 | Communicational Evolution in the Multigenerational Laboratory

 Sam Behnam Nejabat |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 BBA, BC Institute of Technology (BCIT), Vancouver,BC. Canada
 Email: SamBehnamNejabat [at] ldcongress [dot] com

Virology Panel

  13:00-13:20 | Welcome message of the Chairman of Virology Panel

 Dr. Soad Ghabeshi |  Chairman
 Position of Speaker
 Ph.D., MPH,Virology Department, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
 Email: SoadGhabeshi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  13:20-13:40 | A Call to Action: Combating the Silent Spread of Rare Viral Infections

 Dr. Soad Ghabeshi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Ph.D., MPH,Virology Department, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
 Email: SoadGhabeshi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  13:40-14:00 | The Importance of Microfluidic for Diagnosis of Rare Viral Infections; Lab on A Chip

 Dr. Leila Mousavizadeh |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Assistant professor, Department of Virology, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
 Email: LeilaMousavizadeh [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  14:00-14:20 | Human papilloma viruses and Epidermodysplasia verruciformis

 Dr. Seyed Jalal Kiani |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Assistant professor, Department of Virology, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
 Email: SeyedJalalKiani [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  14:20-14:40 | Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever: A Rare but Severe Complication

 Prof. Ahmad Piroozmand |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Full professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunobiology and Autoimmune Diseases Research Center, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
 Email: Prof.AhmadPiroozmand [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  14:40-15:00 | The Importance of Rare Viral Disease

 Dr. Niloofar Neisi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Infectious and Tropical Diseases Research Center, Health Research Institute, Department of Medical Virology, School of Medicine, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran
 Email: NiloofarNeisi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

Hormonlogy Panel

  8:00-8:20 | Welcome Message of the Chairman of Hormonology Panel

 ِDr. Nassim Faridi |  Chairman
 Position of Speaker
 Assistant Professor at Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences
 Email: ِNassimFaridi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  8:20-8:40 | Biosensors in endocrine Managements

 Prof. Mohammad javad Rasaee |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Professor of Clinical Biochemistry Tarbiat Modares University
 Email: Prof.MohammadjavadRasaee [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  8:40-9:00 | Reprogramming of Glutamine Metabolism in Thyroid Cancer

 Prof. Mehdi Hedayati |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Cellular and Molecular Endocrine Research Center Research Institute For Endocrine Sciences
 Email: Prof.MehdiHedayati [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  9:00-9:20 | Biomarkers within follicular fluid to predict or diagnose Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)

 Dr. Seyed Mehdi Ebrahimi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Head Of Department of Separation, Farjad (Colife) Chain Laboratories
 Email: SeyedMehdiEbrahimi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  9:20-10:10 | Thyroid Hormones

 Dr. Seyed Ali Hashemi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Assistant Professor of Clinical Biochemistry
 Email: SeyedAliHashemi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  10:10-10:30 | Pre-diagnostic sex hormone levels in breast cancer

 ِDr. Nassim Faridi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Assistant Professor of Clinical Biochemistry at Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences
 Email: ِNassimFaridi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

Hematology 1 Panel

  11:00-11:20 | Welcome Message of the Chairman of Hematology Panel

 Dr. Nader Vazifeh Shiran |  Chairman
 Position of Speaker
 Assistant professor of hematology and blood banking of Shahid Beheshti University of medical sciences
 Email: NaderVazifehShiran [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  11:20-11:40 | Essential strategies for diagnosis and prevention of HLH syndrome

 Dr. Nader Vazifeh Shiran |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Assistant professor of hematology and blood banking of Shahid Beheshti University of medical sciences
 Email: NaderVazifehShiran [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  11:40-12:00 | Laboratory work up and its challenges in the patients with Mantle Cell Lymphoma

 Dr. Mehdi Allahbakhshian Farsani |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Associate professor of hematology and blood banking of Shahid Beheshti University of medical sciences.
 Email: MehdiAllahbakhshianFarsani [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  13:00-13:20 | Laboratory diagnosis of heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia/Thrombosis (HITT) syndrome

 Dr. Ali Noroozi Aghideh |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Associate professor of hematology and blood banking of AJA University of medical sciences.
 Email: AliNorooziAghideh [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  13:20-13:40 | Pathophysiology and hematologic findings of VEXAS syndrome

 Dr. Mohammad Jafar Sharifi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Assistant professor of hematology and blood banking, Shiraz University of medical sciences
 Email: MohammadJafarSharifi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  13:40-14:00 | Rare bleeding disorders: from diagnostic complexities to clinical insights

 Dr. Akbar Dorgalaleh |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Ph.D Hematology and Blood Transfusion
 Email: AkbarDorgalaleh [at] ldcongress [dot] com

Pathology Panel

  14:30-14:50 | Understanding Endometriosis

 Dr. Ghazaleh Shaker |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 M.D. Anatomical and Clinical Pathologist
 Email: GhazalehShaker [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  14:50-15:10 | Endometriosis_ Associated Malignancy (EAM)

 Dr. Mehran Ghahremani |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Anatomical & clinical Pathologist FISP/FIAP/BMMD OF ISP
 Email: MehranGhahremani [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  15:10-15:30 | Endometriosis in the UK

 Dr. LAMIESE ISMAIL |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Email: LAMIESEISMAIL [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  15:30-15:50 | Video presentation of a case with Infiltrative Endometriosis and subsequent Renal Function disorders

 Dr. Ameneh Haghgoo |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Gynecologist, Fellowship of advanced laparoscopy FISMIG/FISGE Head Of MIGS department of NIKAN Hospital
 Email: AmenehHaghgoo [at] ldcongress [dot] com

Hematology 2 Panel

  8:00-8:30 | Welcome Message of the Chairman of Hematology Panel

 Dr. Soudabeh Hosseini |  Chairman
 Position of Speaker
 PhD candidate of Genetics Iran university of medical science Aliasghar children Hospital
 Email: SoudabehHosseini [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  8:30-10:30 | A New Era In MPN & MDS/MPN Diagnosis and Management Beyond Spleen and Blood count

 ِDr. Soudabeh Hosseini |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 PhD candidate of Genetics Iran university of medical science Aliasghar children Hospital
 Email: ِSoudabehHosseini [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  10:30-10:50 | CAR T-Cell Therapy in Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

 Prof. Amir Ali Hamidieh |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Professor of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology & Stem Cell Transplant
 Email: Prof.AmirAliHamidieh [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  10:50-11:10 | Clonal Progression and Thromboinflammation in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

 Dr. Alessandro Lucchesi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 MD, PhD MPN program leader IRCCS IRST & CCCRNB of Romagna greater area
 Email: AlessandroLucchesi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  11:10-11:30 | How I treat Multiple Myeloma

 Prof. Claudio Cerchione |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 MD, PhD President of society of Hematologic Oncology Italy (SOHO Italy)
 Email: Prof.ClaudioCerchione [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  11:30-11:50 | Novel and Target therapy in LCH

 Prof. Ashish R.kumar |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Cincinnati Children Hospital USA
 Email: Prof.AshishR.kumar [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  11:50-12:10 | Updates and target therapy In HLH

 Prof. Michael .B.Jordan |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Cinccinati Childern Hospital USA
 Email: Prof.Michael.B.Jordan [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  13:00-13:20 | The impact of MRD in the management of Acute Leukemia

 Dr. Gholamreza Bahoush |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Email: GholamrezaBahoush [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  13:20-13:40 | bone marrow failure syndromes

 Prof. Hossein Najmabadi |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Director of Genetics Research Center, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences
 Email: Prof.HosseinNajmabadi [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  13:40-14:00 | Thalassemias and Hemoglobinopathies: From Molecular Diagnosis to Targeted Therapies

 Dr. Morteza Karimipoor |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Molecular Medicine Department, Pasteur Institute of Iran
 Email: MortezaKarimipoor [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  14:00-14:20 | Coagulation made easy! Ideas for teachers and students

 Prof. Kendall Crookston |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Emeritus Professor, university of New Mexico, school of Medicine
 Email: Prof.KendallCrookston [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  14:20-14:40 | CRISPR/Cas Gene Editing: Applications and Clinical Implications in Thrombosis and Hemostasis

 Dr. Akbar Dorgalaleh |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Ph.D Hematology and Blood Transfusion
 Email: AkbarDorgalaleh [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  14:40-15:00 | INVITRO BleedIng TIme (PFA-100): The ROLE of PFA-100 SCREENING In the preoperatıve PERIOD

 Prof. Zühre Kaya |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 gazı unıversıty faculty of medıcıne department of pedıatrıc hematology ANKARA, TURKıYE
 Email: Prof.ZühreKaya [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  15:00-15:20 | Clinical characteristics and laboratory diagnosis in patients with congenital factor XII deficiency in Russia

 Dr. Elena Yakovleva |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 MD, PhD, National Medical Research Center for Hematology, Moscow, Russian Federation
 Email: ElenaYakovleva [at] ldcongress [dot] com

  15:20-15:40 | Recent advancments in Diagnosis and managment of MAHA

 Prof. Nakysa Hooman |  Speaker
 Position of Speaker
 Professor of Pediatric Nephrology Aliasghar Clinical Research development center Iran university of Medical sciences
 Email: Prof.NakysaHooman [at] ldcongress [dot] com

Clinical Mycology Panel

Virology Panel